
Clean and simple. Back to the basics.

This is a perfect website for anyone from those with little to none information to those who have loads of pages.

Of course, this template could still very well be used by people who have many projects, photos, videos and everything else.

This website template looks great and is a one-page website, which means that everything is located right on this page and you can use the main menu to scroll between the sections.

No matter where you scroll on this website, the menu will follow you up and down and the sections will animate in place as you do so. Bio section height is dependent on the amount of actor's primary information that is available on the left side, below the main image. Light scroll-bar is used to read bios that do not fit within this section.

With the exception of the header and footer all boxes are spaced out evenly across the page. Map uses already familiar placement along with the QR code in the bottom right. 

Final thoughts: if you are starting off or if you would like all of your information listed on one page - this is the template for you. If you feel that section animations are too heavy, they can be easily turned off. 

This template does not require large images or large videos.

Hints on setting up this template

This template is as easy as any template can get, that's why we have offered this one as a freebie.

Recommended number of social icons is 3 to 4.

Call to actions appear upon hover over the main image.

No special instructions for setup. Simply chose this template and enjoy.

  1. Does include QR code option
  2. Does not work with NACHO slideshow
  Yes No

Free actor website design

Optional Google map on contact page

Fully editable actor skills and bio

Fully editable menu

Menu categories

Responsive / all-devices design

Single page actor website design

Actor headshots / reel gallery

Audio / voiceover media player

Actor training and resume showcase

Actor credit listings

Has social feed

Has blog

Has thumbnail size picker