Showcase your recent insta-posts

Better late than never!

We've been meaning to enable this integration for THE LONGEST, and each time we got closer to it, we saw an issue of some sort with the way that Instagram sends or collects information. Well, it gives me pleasure to let you know that this is FINALLY done and works flawlessly.

To enable Instagram integration make sure you have already picked out your domain first, then :

  1. Log into your Instagram
  2. Go to Integrations section and click "Set it up" next to Instagram
  3. Go to developer signup in Instagram and fill in the blanks from your administrator
  4. Copy your "CLIENT ID" into the administrator
  5. Activate authorization by clicking the link that shows up in administrator
  6. Copy the accessToken into administrator and click "Save"

Once everything is set up properly, most of the designs will enable you to show the feed of your recent photos either on the homepage or in the footer of your website. Let us know what you think.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

About Tomasz Mieczkowski

Tomasz Mieczkowski is the co-founder of and all of the related websites for film and tv industry professionals.

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