A Hollywood Insider's Guide for Actors

I came across this Twitter profile and thought that the name Sharon Bialy sounded familiar. I guess it did because I've had this book on my list to read for the longest. I guess it's time!

About the book:
To win a role in a movie or on network or cable TV, you must make a strong first impression in your brief, crucial audition--and the first person you have to impress is the casting director.
In How to Audition On Camera, Casting Director Sharon Bialy answers the twenty-five questions actors ask most frequently about how to nail an audition. What is the casting director looking for? If you mess up, can you start over? What is the most common mistake experienced actors make? Should you audition off book or can you look at the page? Should you dress in character? How much can you improvise? Actors--both novice and professional--are often misled by myths and outdated prescriptions. This guide replaces such misinformation with concise and accurate advice from someone who is in the room helping to make the decision on who gets the job. Bialy gets readers started immediately on the road to screen acting success.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

About Tomasz Mieczkowski

Tomasz Mieczkowski is the co-founder of IADB.com and all of the related websites for film and tv industry professionals.

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