Actor Website Builder

Actor Website Builder

This website has been built using Web For Actors - Actor Website Builder Toolkit

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Ricky Bell
Ricky Bell
About Ricky

Ricky Bell is a rising actor in the southeast that began his journey in mid 2012. Ever since then he has enjoyed every bit of the ride. He has done many strong roles ranging from a superhero to a police officer, having done work in theater, short films, feature films and several commercials over the years. His strength and determination that he displays on-screen derives from his days as a high school wrestler. In his spare time he often enjoys exercise, writing, and reading as a way of letting loose his active imagination.

Ethnicity: African American
Weight: 176lbs
Height: 5'9"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Ricky's Representation:   Kerry Judd  
Ricky Bell

Ricky Bell


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