Rich Ruskin

Rich Ruskin


Few words about Rich

Rich Ruskin is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience.

About Rich

Rich Ruskin is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience.


New Jersey born Richard Ruskin began his acting career in New York City after traveling for a year with a performing arts troupe. This followed finishing up his training at Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts and Ithaca College. He got his start working in everything from independent and mainstream productions to appearing on "Days of Our Lives."After college, Richard made the move to Los Angeles. During the next 15 years, he started a computer consulting company and later became a private pilot and flight instructor. "Acting jobs just weren't happening for me at that time" says Rich. Eventually, he got a touch of wanderlust, which led him to leave Los Angeles. He went to Alaska, "...I guess I wanted to reset and start over.." he said.. There, he landed in a small village. "...almost fitting in..." he says with a wry smile, " was a great experience (ten years) and ...I wouldn't change a thing"... Next, the business world drew him away from the cold and eventually, to the Sunshine State (Florida) where, "for some reason" he says, I started getting lots of acting work". Film, TV, national commercials, " was was amazing.." he said, "I was like, oh, so this is what an acting career looks like..."In 2016, Richard relocated, again, to Manhattans Upper East Side. He started getting jobs immediately and says he loves being back in New York.When not acting, Ruskin enjoys SCUBA diving, flying and now, exploring New York City.
Rich Ruskin
Rich Ruskin
About Rich

New Jersey born Richard Ruskin began his acting career in New York City after traveling for a year with a performing arts troupe. This followed finishing up his training at Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts and Ithaca College. He got his start working in everything from independent and mainstream productions to appearing on "Days of Our Lives."After college, Richard made the move to Los Angeles. During the next 15 years, he started a computer consulting company and later became a private pilot and flight instructor. "Acting jobs just weren't happening for me at that time" says Rich. Eventually, he got a touch of wanderlust, which led him to leave Los Angeles. He went to Alaska, "...I guess I wanted to reset and start over.." he said.. There, he landed in a small village. "...almost fitting in..." he says with a wry smile, " was a great experience (ten years) and ...I wouldn't change a thing"... Next, the business world drew him away from the cold and eventually, to the Sunshine State (Florida) where, "for some reason" he says, I started getting lots of acting work". Film, TV, national commercials, " was was amazing.." he said, "I was like, oh, so this is what an acting career looks like..."In 2016, Richard relocated, again, to Manhattans Upper East Side. He started getting jobs immediately and says he loves being back in New York.When not acting, Ruskin enjoys SCUBA diving, flying and now, exploring New York City.

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Rich Ruskin

Rich Ruskin


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