Luke Banham

Luke Banham


Few words about Luke

Luke Banham is a professional male Actor with 13 years of professional experience. He is known for his work in Girlboss

About Luke

Luke Banham is a professional male Actor with 13 years of professional experience. He is known for his work in Girlboss


Born and raised in Woodley, United Kingdom, Luke's passion for acting came about when he was involved in his senior school performance of Kes. From there his passion grew and in 2010 he moved to Colorado to marry his wife Amber and also made his debut in HRK which premiered at the Denver Starz Film Festival in 2011. Since then Luke has been heavily involved in several projects throughout Colorado.
Luke Banham
Luke Banham
About Luke

Born and raised in Woodley, United Kingdom, Luke's passion for acting came about when he was involved in his senior school performance of Kes. From there his passion grew and in 2010 he moved to Colorado to marry his wife Amber and also made his debut in HRK which premiered at the Denver Starz Film Festival in 2011. Since then Luke has been heavily involved in several projects throughout Colorado.

Weight: 155lbs
Height: 6'0"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium, Brown
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Luke Banham

Luke Banham


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