

Die Geschichte Von Klaus

Meat was his life and exactly this is what Klaus left piled behind. Klaus is a butcher and on the journey to his personal fortune he discovers the previously unknown succulent appetite. A short film about a man who follows his desire to travel and embarks on a quest to find himself while overlooking the fine print.
Frank Jacobs
Frank Jacobs
About Frank

Muziekcafé/concertclub Boogiewoogie organiseert optredens van professionele en gevorderde bands. Allicht de kleinste 'professioneel ingerichte' club van Vlaanderen, waar dikwijls audiorecordings en dvdopnames gebeuren. http://musicclubboogiewoogie.wordpress.com

Contact Information:  
E: horos07@gmail.com   |  W: fifthgeareurope.www.webforactors.com
Frank Jacobs

Frank Jacobs


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