Evan Raiff

Evan Raiff


Few words about Evan

Evan Raiff is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience.

About Evan

Evan Raiff is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience.


Stepping onstage at the age of four, theater has been a significant part of my life. After discovering the rush I sought out any production I could find. Having been in productions throughout my young school years, I have cultivated years of experience. In college, I started to see acting as a viable career choice and made the decision. After some successful graduate school auditions I packed up and moved out to Los Angeles. Currently studying at the Art of Acting Studio in North Hollywood. I also enjoy a multitude of physical activities. Anything from rugby and martial arts to weightlifting and stage combat. The mind and soul are only as healthy as the body they inhabit! While theater has been my main form of acting, I have embarked into film and look to continue with the on camera acting going forward. Theater will hold a special place in my heart but film is where my passion lies, whether it be in front of the camera, writing or directing.
Evan Raiff
Evan Raiff
About Evan

Stepping onstage at the age of four, theater has been a significant part of my life. After discovering the rush I sought out any production I could find. Having been in productions throughout my young school years, I have cultivated years of experience. In college, I started to see acting as a viable career choice and made the decision. After some successful graduate school auditions I packed up and moved out to Los Angeles. Currently studying at the Art of Acting Studio in North Hollywood. I also enjoy a multitude of physical activities. Anything from rugby and martial arts to weightlifting and stage combat. The mind and soul are only as healthy as the body they inhabit! While theater has been my main form of acting, I have embarked into film and look to continue with the on camera acting going forward. Theater will hold a special place in my heart but film is where my passion lies, whether it be in front of the camera, writing or directing.

Height: 6'0"
Contact Information:  
E: eraiffmgmt@gmail.com   |  W: eraiff.www.webforactors.com
Evan Raiff

Evan Raiff


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