


Company: Fivelands Films
The daughter of a late comic is forced to confront her fears of performing.
Brittany Kimble
Brittany Kimble
I put my all into Acting, Math, & being munificent.
About Brittany

Brittany Kimble is a professional female I put my all into Acting, Math, & being munificent. with 9 years of professional experience. Brittany speaks fluent English. Brittany is interested in theater, commercial and television projects.

Ethnicity: African American
Weight: 140lbs
Height: 5'1"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Contact Information:  
E: kimblebrittany22@yahoo.com   |  W: brittanykimble.www.webforactors.com
Brittany Kimble

Brittany Kimble

I put my all into Acting, Math, & being munificent.

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