Kelly Gary

Kelly Gary

Actor from New York

Few words about Kelly

Hello I am a New York based actor looking for representation, I am friendly, energetic, expressive, and, a hard worker.

About Kelly

Hello I am a New York based actor looking for representation, I am friendly, energetic, expressive, and, a hard worker.


At a very young age I was interested in the entertainment industry and making people laugh. Since then I’ve booked roles with Netflix, CBS, and more.

Kelly Gary
Kelly Gary
Actor from New York
About Kelly

At a very young age I was interested in the entertainment industry and making people laugh. Since then I’ve booked roles with Netflix, CBS, and more.

From: New York
Ethnicity: African American
Weight: 99lbs
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
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Kelly Gary

Kelly Gary

Actor from New York

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