Wanna Min


Few words about Wanna

I'm a 18 years old asian boy who is looking for a job. I think I'm fit for the role of pathetic innocent character always die in the end or sacrifice for something greater. I'm gonna do anything I have to for the role.

About Wanna

I'm a 18 years old asian boy who is looking for a job. I think I'm fit for the role of pathetic innocent character always die in the end or sacrifice for something greater. I'm gonna do anything I have to for the role.


I'm a 18 years old asian boy who is looking for a job. I think I'm fit for the role of pathetic innocent character always die in the end or sacrifice for something greater. I'm gonna do anything I have to for the role. I wasn't saying this to get a role. It's because I love acting and making films.

Wanna Min
Wanna Min
About Wanna

I'm a 18 years old asian boy who is looking for a job. I think I'm fit for the role of pathetic innocent character always die in the end or sacrifice for something greater. I'm gonna do anything I have to for the role. I wasn't saying this to get a role. It's because I love acting and making films.

Ethnicity: Asian
Weight: 100lbs
Height: 5'5"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Contact Information:  
E: thewannamin@gmail.com   |  W: thewannamin.www.webforactors.com
Wanna Min

Wanna Min


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