Shawn Byrne

Shawn Byrne


Few words about Shawn

Shawn Byrne is a professional male Actor.

About Shawn

Shawn Byrne is a professional male Actor.


Shawn Michael Byrne has appeared in both television and film as a featured extra. Some of his notable works include: Law and Order, Anger Management, Spiderman 3, and Analyze That. The New Jersey native is also an artist, writer, and photographer. Additionally, he is a hospitality expert and is an adjunct professor at The Institute of Culinary Education. His birthday is May 21, 1961.
Shawn Byrne
Shawn Byrne
About Shawn

Shawn Michael Byrne has appeared in both television and film as a featured extra. Some of his notable works include: Law and Order, Anger Management, Spiderman 3, and Analyze That. The New Jersey native is also an artist, writer, and photographer. Additionally, he is a hospitality expert and is an adjunct professor at The Institute of Culinary Education. His birthday is May 21, 1961.

Weight: 190lbs
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium, Salt/Pep
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Shawn Byrne

Shawn Byrne


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