Rashmi Sahani

Rashmi Sahani


Few words about Rashmi

Rashmi Sahani is a professional female Actor. Rashmi is a native Hindi speaker, but she also speaks communicative Punjabi and English.

About Rashmi

Rashmi Sahani is a professional female Actor. Rashmi is a native Hindi speaker, but she also speaks communicative Punjabi and English.


Rashmi Sahani is a professional female Actor. Rashmi is a native Hindi speaker, but she also speaks communicative Punjabi and English.
Rashmi Sahani
Rashmi Sahani
About Rashmi

Rashmi Sahani is a professional female Actor. Rashmi is a native Hindi speaker, but she also speaks communicative Punjabi and English.

Eyes: Other
Hair: Brown
Contact Information:  
E: rashmisahani63@gmail.com   |  W: rksahani.www.webforactors.com
Rashmi Sahani

Rashmi Sahani


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