Muhsin Fliah

Muhsin Fliah

SAG-AFTRA Eligible Actor

Few words about Muhsin

Muhsin Fliah is a SAG-AFTRA Eligible male Actor with 10 years of professional experience. Muhsin speaks fluent English and Arabic. Muhsin is currently available for work in Los Angeles.

About Muhsin

Muhsin Fliah is a SAG-AFTRA Eligible male Actor with 10 years of professional experience. Muhsin speaks fluent English and Arabic. Muhsin is currently available for work in Los Angeles.


Muhsin Fliah is an actor, known for The Card Counter (2021), The Marked (2020) and High Flyers (2020).
Muhsin Fliah
Muhsin Fliah
SAG-AFTRA Eligible Actor
About Muhsin

Muhsin Fliah is an actor, known for The Card Counter (2021), The Marked (2020) and High Flyers (2020).

Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Weight: 225lbs
Height: 6'3"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
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Muhsin Fliah

Muhsin Fliah


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