Michael Fuller

Michael Fuller


Few words about Michael

Michael Fuller is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience.

About Michael

Michael Fuller is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience.


Michael John Fuller is an American, British, and Canadian stage, film, and television actor. As a renowned WW2 Military Historian / Technical Advisor and Stunt Actor, he is also a Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute alumni, and a graduate of The Second City.

He has appeared in numerous independent and short films, commercials, and theatre performances in and around the world, and provided his expertise on Christopher Nolan's "Dunkirk" (2017).

He currently resides in Los Angeles.
Michael Fuller
Michael Fuller
About Michael

Michael John Fuller is an American, British, and Canadian stage, film, and television actor. As a renowned WW2 Military Historian / Technical Advisor and Stunt Actor, he is also a Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute alumni, and a graduate of The Second City.He has appeared in numerous independent and short films, commercials, and theatre performances in and around the world, and provided his expertise on Christopher Nolan's "Dunkirk" (2017).He currently resides in Los Angeles.

Contact Information:  
E: me109g@verizon.net   |  W: mfuller.www.webforactors.com
Michael Fuller

Michael Fuller


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