Kait Feeney

Kait Feeney


Few words about Kait

Kait Feeney is a professional male Actor with 10 years of professional experience.

About Kait

Kait Feeney is a professional male Actor with 10 years of professional experience.


I am an actor who sings and also a qualified voice and acting teacher. Theatre includes Madame Raquin in Therese Raquin (Courtyard, London), Melanie Klein in Mrs Klein (South London Theatre) & Iris in The All-Seeing Eye (Lost Theatre, London). Film work is varied including City of Tiny Lights. I am also a member of Director's Cut Theatre Company, an artistic community of actors, writers and directors who devise and perform original work at various London theatres, including Southwark Playhouse. The lockdown has led to online collaboration and these can be seen on YouTube on Director's Cut Theatre Company Channel.
Kait Feeney
Kait Feeney
About Kait

I am an actor who sings and also a qualified voice and acting teacher. Theatre includes Madame Raquin in Therese Raquin (Courtyard, London), Melanie Klein in Mrs Klein (South London Theatre) & Iris in The All-Seeing Eye (Lost Theatre, London). Film work is varied including City of Tiny Lights. I am also a member of Director's Cut Theatre Company, an artistic community of actors, writers and directors who devise and perform original work at various London theatres, including Southwark Playhouse. The lockdown has led to online collaboration and these can be seen on YouTube on Director's Cut Theatre Company Channel.

Weight: 115lbs
Height: 5'1"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Short, Grey
Contact Information:  
E: contact@kaitfeeney.com   |  W: kaitfeeney.www.webforactors.com
Kait Feeney

Kait Feeney


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