Jasmine Reid

Jasmine Reid


Few words about Jasmine

Jasmine Reid is a professional female Actor with 24 years of professional experience. Jasmine speaks fluent English.

About Jasmine

Jasmine Reid is a professional female Actor with 24 years of professional experience. Jasmine speaks fluent English.


Jasmine Reid was born November 3, 1989 in Akron, Ohio, but raised in Memphis, TN moving there with her mother at the age of four. She graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and shift gears after from an aspiring career as a physical therapist to a career in film and television. She always had a love for the arts which was reignited after taking a performing arts course in college. Since then she has been performing numerous short and feature films and as well as online project. Most notably she is known for playing Gretchen Holt in "The Look-See" and has also appeared "Jesus Rides a Harley," "The Good Samaritan," and "Same Sex."
Jasmine Reid
Jasmine Reid
About Jasmine

Jasmine Reid was born November 3, 1989 in Akron, Ohio, but raised in Memphis, TN moving there with her mother at the age of four. She graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and shift gears after from an aspiring career as a physical therapist to a career in film and television. She always had a love for the arts which was reignited after taking a performing arts course in college. Since then she has been performing numerous short and feature films and as well as online project. Most notably she is known for playing Gretchen Holt in "The Look-See" and has also appeared "Jesus Rides a Harley," "The Good Samaritan," and "Same Sex."

Contact Information:  
E: reidactress03@gmail.com   |  W: jasminereid.www.webforactors.com
Jasmine Reid

Jasmine Reid


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