Felicia Rouse
Felicia Rouse
About Felicia

Hi, my name is Felicia Rouse. I am 15 years old and I love acting. Since I was 5, I loved the idea of acting, and when I tried it, I loved it even more. Acting is my way to have fun and express myself through my words and actions. Even if I can't make it big in the business, I will always love acting and try again when I fail. Acting makes me feel so happy, I can't even explain it. I have never felt so much joy in my life until I started acting. My first audition was a few years ago when I was 12. I was too nervous and read my lines way too fast. I'll never do that again. Just this April 2016, I was cast in a project. Now, I am planning on going to casting calls and auditions, and maybe even going to California for a week.Thanks for stopping by!

Age: 23
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Contact Information:  
E: feliciarousebusiness@gmail.com   |  W: itsfeliciarouse.www.webforactors.com
Felicia Rouse

Felicia Rouse


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