Allison Trammell

Actor from California

Few words about Allison

A 23 year old professional female Actor from California with experience. Allison is interested in theater, commercial, television and voiceover projects and is currently available for work in Los Angeles.

About Allison

A 23 year old professional female Actor from California with experience. Allison is interested in theater, commercial, television and voiceover projects and is currently available for work in Los Angeles.


Allison Trammell is an actress, known for Supernormal (2018) and Saved (2018).
Allison Trammell
Allison Trammell
Actor from California
About Allison

Allison Trammell is an actress, known for Supernormal (2018) and Saved (2018).

From: California
Age: 27
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Other
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Allison Trammell

Allison Trammell

Actor from California

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